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  • BBC - A Guide to Chi­nese (Char­ac­ter Game)

A game to help you in your learning of Chinese characters.

bbc archivelanguage learning

A game to help you in your learning of Chinese characters.

  • BBC - A Guide to Chi­nese (Character Guide)

This is a mini-guide to Chinese characters, read through the pages to learn more.

bbc archivelanguage learning

This is a mini-guide to Chinese characters, read through the pages to learn more.

  • BBC - A Guide to Chi­nese (Quick Fix)

Essential phrases in Chinese, including basic phrases relevant to the Olympics, food and drink, getting around, shopping, and accommodation.

accommodationdrinkfoodlanguage learningolympicsphrasesshopping

Essential phrases in Chinese, including basic phrases relevant to the Olympics, food and drink, getting around, shopping, and accommodation.

  • BBC - A Guide to Chi­nese (Tone Game)

This game will give you better insight into the Chinese language and provide practice in learning the tones.

bbc archivelanguage learning

This game will give you better insight into the Chinese language and provide practice in learning the tones.

  • BBC - A Guide to Chi­nese (Tone Guide)

A mini-guide to Chinese tones, by following the link and clicking start you will be guided from one section to another.

bbc archivelanguage learning

A mini-guide to Chinese tones, by following the link and clicking start you will be guided from one section to another.

  • BBC - A Guide to Chi­nese (What is Pinyin?)

Follow the link to take a look at the BBC guide, listen to the voices in real Chinese and play the tone and character games to hear how native speakers pronounce sounds.

bbc archivelanguage learning

Follow the link to take a look at the BBC guide, listen to the voices in real Chinese and play the tone and character games to hear how native speakers pronounce sounds.

  • BBC - A Guide to Chinese (Real Chinese)

A lively introduction to Mandarin Chinese in 10 short parts with video clips from the Real Chinese TV series. Topics include: introducing yourself, introducing family, ordering food and drinks, shopping, asking for directions, using public transport, and booking a hotel.

accommodationdrinkfamilyfoodhotelsintroductionsnative speakertransport

A lively introduction to Mandarin Chinese in 10 short parts with video clips from the Real Chinese TV series. Topics include: introducing yourself, introducing family, ordering food and drinks, shopping, asking for directions, using public transport, and booking a hotel.